Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Module 5, Week 6 Web Design II

Welcome to week 6, Module 5 of Web Design II

It's a very short week because you have Thanksgiving Holidays starting Monday.  So let's get going.  Your assignments are due this Friday, November 20.  (You have 4 days to complete 4 assignments!)

5.01  The Lobby (100 point Quiz) 1.5 hours
This module is very important because it helps you plan your links for your own web site.  You will add these links in 5.05, so plan wisely to save time later.  Make sure you read all tutorials in this module.  Note one change in the pages you will visit; here is the link for Smart Webby:  http://www.smartwebby.com/web_site_design/website_navigation_tips.asp
After you complete the KompoZer tutorials on "creating Links", review your storyboard and plan your links.  (they will not be added yet--wait until 5.05.)

5.02 Ramps, Stairs, and Elevators (50 Point Dropbox) 1 hour
To assist people with disabilities who want to view your website, you must make them accessible.  This module explains the laws and resources related to accessiblity.
Visit all the resource links and then test your web site (OR select another favorite web site to view on WAVE http://wave.webaim.org/).

Study the report and write 2 paragraphs based on your results.  Include:
  1. Types of errors, warnings, and other alerts
  2. Summary of changes to correct errors
  3. Select 1 warning or error and describe in detail the steps you would take to correct the issue.

5.03 Can't you Read the Signs? (100 point Dropbox) 1 hour
Finally, you add your images on those web pages!  NOTE:  your images must be saved in your webdes2 images folder as either .jpg or .gif.   Be sure to read the links in this section!  Follow all the steps in this assignment to make your images assessible.

SPECIAL NOTE:  You must take a screenshot of EACH KompoZer page to paste in a MS Word document.  

MS WORD TIPchange the layout of MS Word from portrait to landscape so your entire screen shot is visible.

GRADING TIPReview your grading rubric BEFORE you submit your document to the dropbox.
SKIP 5.04

5.05 Moving Around (100 point Dropbox) 1 hour 
It's time to add links to your web site.  Watch the video on how to customize your links with CSS.  And this is cool:  You can add links to images to move through your site!

Create your own site naviation.
  1. Use the table you created in 4.04 to add working links to each page of your site.
  2. Add links to / from pages 2 - 5 (they should go backwards as well as forward).
  3. Add links back to index page from pages 2 - 5.
  4. Add active links on each reference.

SPECIAL NOTE:  You must take a screenshot of EACH KompoZer page to paste in a MS Word document.  

MS WORD TIPchange the layout of MS Word from portrait to landscape so your entire screen shot is visible.

GRADING TIPReview your grading rubric BEFORE you submit your document to the dropbox.

BONUS GRADE:  Write a comment on the BLOG which gives at least 2 things for which you are thankful.


AlishaHenderson said...

There are 2 things i am thankful for. One is my father's mother. She is my only living grandmother, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I am so thankful that I still have her in my life to depend on. The second thing I am thankful for is both my parents. I know there are some kids who have one or the other or none at all. Thankful I do have both, and I love them so. These are the 2 things I am so so thankful for.

Anonymous said...

There are several things that I'm thankful for. The two thimgs that I would like to share is I'm thankful to have a be loving mother. Also, thankful for been here to see another THANKSGIVING!!!

Eunikka said...

There are several things that im thankful for. I am thankgful for having a caring family.
they're very supportive. I'm also thankful for living to see another day as they come.

Eunikka said...

There are several things that im thankful for. I am thankgful for having a caring family.
they're very supportive. I'm also thankful for living to see another day as they come.

Dannie McKee said...

Eunikka, family is so very important to me too. I am always thankful for my family!

Dannie McKee said...

Anonymous, I would need your name so I can give you a grade.

Anonymous said...

The two things that i am thankful for are my family and food because without them i would not be able to make it through the day.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family and friends.