Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Module 3 Notes: Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 of Web Design II. 

Fall and Autumn MySpace Comments and Graphics

Can you believe we will be midway through the class this Wednesday!  The last day of class is December 16, 2009—I am already sad that it’s ending so soon and I won’t have my Shaw students to talk with every day. 
Well, enough sadness!  Let’s get moving into Module 3.  There is a review of some of KompoZer features, but many new things are also introduced.  Plan to spend about 10 hours on this work.  Module 3 assignments are due Monday, November 9, 2009 and carry a total value of 550 points.
3.00 Module Introduction:  First Impressions (15 minutes)
It’s been said that “you never have a second chance to make a first impression.”  Module 3 gives you the tools to make that first impression with your web site.  Pay particular attention to the tools you will use and how to make them work for you.  Also notice the points on making an attractive and inviting web page.
ARE YOUR PLEASED WITH 2.03 WORK?  It’s not too late to improve those pages you created in 2.03.  You will learn some more pointers here, so before your pages go “Live”, why don’t you make them even better.  Just remember the files must be in NOTEPAD (not MS WORD) for them to work on KompoZer.

3.01 Basic Tool Usage:  Kompozer (3 hours) 100 points
irst we will review the web design tool, KompoZer.  Visit every subject listed in the Tutorial.  There is even a screencast video to help you get started.  Caution:  the video is just to get you started; it runs fairly quickly.  After you view the video, go back and study the Basic Tutorial found on KompoZer.  The following sections are covered on the quiz for 3.01.  (If you want to score a good grade, spend the time on the tutorial!)

3.02 Naming the Web Site: 15 minutes (revised)
Before you begin, make sure your folders for this class look like the following screenshot.  If not, GO BACK NOW AND CORRECT YOUR FOLDERS.  Failure to do this will result in not being able to follow the directions later in this module.
ADD YOUR INITALS TO THE MAIN FOLDER NAME:  xxwebdes2 (This is NOT Shown in the screen shot!)

DO NOT FOLLOW THE STEPS IN MODULE 3.02 INSTRUCTIONS  (I was not successful in getting your technical person to allow you to post your web pages to the school web site.  Therefore, you will continue to ZIP your work for me to grade it. If you need a refresher on zipping files, refer back to Web Design 1, Module 3.03.)
Follow these steps to name your web site:
1.    Open KompoZer
2.    Select Edit, Publish Settings,
3.    Key in Site Name:  webdes2
4.    Under Publishing Address, Click Select directory
5.    Locate webdes2, proj1 (Click on this folder to highlight it and move it to KompoZer)
6.    Click OK
7.    To check your work, go back to KompoZer, click on Edit, and you should see the screen below.  If not, please go through steps 1-6 again.

3.03 Intermediate Tool Usage (90 minutes) 100 points
This lesson gives you some more tools for you work in KompoZer.  Study each feature listed because you will be tested on all of them.
The lessons include files that you will download for practice.  Follow the directions in the module exactly as they are given to do this work.  Then you will use these files as you go through the tutorials.  Otherwise, you will miss some valuable information.  Some of you requested videos to help you with the lessons.  This module has those videos.  Let me know if they help with the lessons.
This lesson covers items such as text, images, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that will make your web pages more attractive for your viewers.  There is NO SHORT CUT FOR YOUR COVERING EACH TOPIC.  Failure to review and learn each topic will result in your web pages that you develop being less than satisfactory.

3.04  Construction Begins (3 hours) 100 points
Now for the fun part.  You will begin to create your own web pages.  But remember, you will not FTP your pages to your school web site.  Follow the directions given, and then  ZIP your pages and send them to me in your dropbox.  NOTE:  your pages will be blank at this point.  The only thing listed will be your index page, the other 3 you made, plus your Resource page.
Although you cannot FTP your pages, go through the tutorials anyway, just in case we get permission to add your pages to the school web site.  I am still trying to work on this with your technical person.
3.05 (First Impressions – Discussion) 50 points
You will learn more about how important it is to make a first impression with your web site.  You will explore a tutorial that gives you some pointers on this subject.  Then you will review Shaw School District’s web page.  You then discuss your first impressions on this site with your classmates.
3.06 Meta Tags (1 hour) 100 points
This lesson introduces you to Meta tags, aka head tags.  You get to practice with these tags and include them in your own site.  Meta tags make things really easy for someone to find your web pages in search engines.  This will give your site more readers.

After you complete the steps required, take a screen shot of your screen which shows you completed the work.  Paste that screen shot into a MS Word document and send it to me in the dropbox.
3.07 Review and Oral Exam (30 minutes) 100 points
Review all the information presented in Module 3.  Then call me during office hours at 601.810.4923 to complete an oral exam.  You will file the results of our discussion in dropbox 3.07.

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