Thursday, October 22, 2009

2.01 Site Exploration and Discussion: Web Hosting Notes

Do you need some help to finish 2.01?  READ ON!
The Assignment:  write a three to five paragraph response.
  • Identify the Web hosting service you feel is the best to use and discuss the pros and cons of this service. Be sure to indicate why you feel this is the best choice. Also, provide the full URL to the Web hosting service you are discussing.
  • Identify the Web hosting service you feel is the worst to use and discuss the pros and cons of this service. Be sure to indicate why you feel this is the worst choice. Also, provide the full URL to the Web hosting service you are discussing.
  • Be sure to cite two or more sources at the end of your posting. Remember to provide the full name and URL of the site. The URL should be an active link. Please use resources in addition to the resources found on the Spec page.
  • Respond to at least one other student's posting on this topic. 
Here are some sites I found with Google's Advanced search to help with this assignment.  (You may use these or find other ones.)

You may "borrow" my outline to write your essay.  (Remember each paragraph must have 4-5 sentences.)  Use MS Word or Google Docs to key your essay. 

Paragraph 1
Introduction of assignment.
How I found web hosting companies to evaluate.
What I consider important for a web hosting company.
THESIS STATEMENT:  After reviewing numerous web hosting companies, I selected one company to highlight as the best company and the other as the worst company.
 Paragraph 2
My choice for best web hosting company.
URL for the best web hosting company.
Why I think this is a good web hosting company (features, cost, etc.).
Paragraph 3
My choice for worst web hosting company.
URL for the worst web hosting company. 
Why I think this is not a good web hosting company (features, cost, etc.).
Paragraph 4
  • Summary of my response to assignment.
  • What I learned from this assignment.
  • How I will use this information in the future.
HOW TO post your essay to the Discussion Board
  • Spell Check your work
  • Let a classmate read your essay and offer suggestions.
  • Review the Grading Rubric
  • Copy the Word or Google DOC 
  • Highlight the entire essay, Press Ctrl+C; 
  • Go to the Discussion Board 2.01, Click on Compose, Key in a Title (like Web Hosting Companies) Paste the essay (Ctrl+V), then click post.
  • Respond to another student's post.  Extend their post by making comments and asking a question.
  • Place a file in Dropbox 2.01 which summarizes your work on this assignment.

Grading Rubric
Total Points*
Included two specific Web hosts in the comparison
Included working URL for each Web host
Completely answered discussion topic/question with a three to five paragraph response
Used complete sentences, correct grammar/spelling
Responded to at least one other student on this topic
*Points awarded based on quality of work

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