Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shaw HS Web Design Students

Back left Martavian, Leketris
Front Left Alisha, Yasmine, Ariel, Janieca, Eunikka, Dominique, Marissa, and Alexis
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2.01 Site Exploration and Discussion: Web Hosting Notes

Do you need some help to finish 2.01?  READ ON!
The Assignment:  write a three to five paragraph response.
  • Identify the Web hosting service you feel is the best to use and discuss the pros and cons of this service. Be sure to indicate why you feel this is the best choice. Also, provide the full URL to the Web hosting service you are discussing.
  • Identify the Web hosting service you feel is the worst to use and discuss the pros and cons of this service. Be sure to indicate why you feel this is the worst choice. Also, provide the full URL to the Web hosting service you are discussing.
  • Be sure to cite two or more sources at the end of your posting. Remember to provide the full name and URL of the site. The URL should be an active link. Please use resources in addition to the resources found on the Spec page.
  • Respond to at least one other student's posting on this topic. 
Here are some sites I found with Google's Advanced search to help with this assignment.  (You may use these or find other ones.)

You may "borrow" my outline to write your essay.  (Remember each paragraph must have 4-5 sentences.)  Use MS Word or Google Docs to key your essay. 

Paragraph 1
Introduction of assignment.
How I found web hosting companies to evaluate.
What I consider important for a web hosting company.
THESIS STATEMENT:  After reviewing numerous web hosting companies, I selected one company to highlight as the best company and the other as the worst company.
 Paragraph 2
My choice for best web hosting company.
URL for the best web hosting company.
Why I think this is a good web hosting company (features, cost, etc.).
Paragraph 3
My choice for worst web hosting company.
URL for the worst web hosting company. 
Why I think this is not a good web hosting company (features, cost, etc.).
Paragraph 4
  • Summary of my response to assignment.
  • What I learned from this assignment.
  • How I will use this information in the future.
HOW TO post your essay to the Discussion Board
  • Spell Check your work
  • Let a classmate read your essay and offer suggestions.
  • Review the Grading Rubric
  • Copy the Word or Google DOC 
  • Highlight the entire essay, Press Ctrl+C; 
  • Go to the Discussion Board 2.01, Click on Compose, Key in a Title (like Web Hosting Companies) Paste the essay (Ctrl+V), then click post.
  • Respond to another student's post.  Extend their post by making comments and asking a question.
  • Place a file in Dropbox 2.01 which summarizes your work on this assignment.

Grading Rubric
Total Points*
Included two specific Web hosts in the comparison
Included working URL for each Web host
Completely answered discussion topic/question with a three to five paragraph response
Used complete sentences, correct grammar/spelling
Responded to at least one other student on this topic
*Points awarded based on quality of work

Monday, October 19, 2009

Module 2 Notes: Week 2

2.00 Introduction (15 Minutes)

Welcome to the next phase of our web site design!  There are so many things to consider in this module such as locating a host for your web site, obtaining a domain name, and learning the html codes required for a web page.  This module requires a LOT of READING.  Please do not try to short-cut this reading because you will definitely need the material in later modules.  Also, there are some links in the reading which do not work.  I noted these broken links in the sections below.  If you find other non-working links, please email me with that information.

Hint:  Keep this BLOG open in a tab on Firefox; open your course content in another tab so you can look back at the BLOG as you study your course material.

Do not print the course content materials except for the Task List.  Do take good notes on each hyperlink that is presented.  You may use MS Word or Notepad for your note taking.  Or if you have a gmail account, you may use Google Docs to record your notes. (I'll give extra credit for google docs!)  Take notes from each web site presented.  Be sure to copy and paste the URL of the site you are studying along with the important information from that site. Save your work in a file or on Google Docs.  You may print your notes--just DO NOT print the whole web page you study.

2.01 Site Exploration (2 Hours)

Under "What to Consider", the Link to WebSite Speed Test is incorrect.  Use this link for Website Speed Test:  Website Speed Test.

Under "Articles to Read" the link to Matt Lake's site Web Hosting 101:  How to pick the right web host does not work.  Use this link instead:

Google's Advanced Search takes some time to learn.  Spend that time in this module because you will be using the advanced search many times in the course.  To help you understand how to use Google's search capability, read this article "Four NETS for Better Searching".  Practice finding information for your research paper using these two new skills.  (No more OR plain google searching!)

You will summarize information from all the web sites presented in the discussion area by writing a 3-5 paragraph essay.  You must have at least 3 paragraphs--practice your writing skills and do 5!  And a paragraph must be at least 5 sentences in length!  Look at the grading rubric--grade yourself before you post.  And be sure to Spell Check your work before you hit that post button.  (Spell check can check your work, but it can't check your mind.)

2.02 Copyright Laws (3 Hours)

  • Visit Copyright Kids for a review of copyright and fair use. (Click on all the selections to see a quick explanation of major points of copyright laws and how to apply them in school.) 

  • Remember our Web Design 1 Class Blog on copyright and ethics?  Well, just in case you forgot, here it is again!
In any research, it is important to properly cite your resources. For this course, please cite your resources in APA format and list them at the bottom of each text page.

Each citation must follow the APA formatfor the type document used (web page, book, periodical, etc.) This information will only be submitted with your text pages and is a requirement for each text file submitted.
  1. Visit the following link for documenting sources in APA format: Son of Citation Machine (
  2. Notice that it is a “point and click” web site that allows you to key in information about your references. Then after the output is generated by the web site, you may copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) this information into your text document.
  3. Practice using the APA documentation tool.
(Practice exercise: Follow the steps below to complete a reference in APA format taken from this page: Digital Etiquette) (To view a view on this practice exercise, go to:
  1. Go back to Son of Citation Machine (
  2. Bookmark that page (or add to favorites, depending upon your web browser).
  3. Right click and add a new Tab in your browser to visit the following site
  4. TOGGLE BACK TO Son of Citation Machine (
  5. Enter the data requested for APA documentation and press submit.
  6. Review your APA citation for accuracy; correct any mistakes, then Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the citation into your work.
Use this web site to document references every time you write papers. Just be sure to ask in what style the references should be formatted: APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.

As a reminder, this class requires APA documentation for all references. Failure to document the references will result in major deduction of points from your work.

2.03 Gathering Material (3 Hours)

Once again, it's time to make your directory.  Do you remember how many times you had to rework this assignment in Web Design I?  Bet you get it just right the first time for Web Design II.

Next you get to practice those research skills you learned in the last module.  You will develop 1 (one) Notepad or Google Docs file that includes ALL the pages you listed in your storyboard from Module 1. Record research notes about each subject you listed in your storyboard.  You will also document the sources in the APA format using Citation Machine.

  1. You will have ONE DOCUMENT with all 5 web pages from your storyboard listed.  
  2. Under each web page you listed, record your research for that web page.  
  3. Your references will all be listed under Resources (probably your last page of your storyboard.) 
  4. You must make references using the APA format. 
  5. Proof read your document carefully; spell check it, and ask another classmate to check it over for you before submitting it. 
  6. Your grade depends on quality work!

2.04 Building Codes (3 hours)
Please note:  this module is not one to be ignored or rushed.  Spend time learning the HTML codes.  YOU ARE responsible for ALL the codes in the lessons.
  • Go to the W3Schools web site and complete the HTML tutorial.
  • At the end of the tutorial, there will be a quiz.
  • Print the certificate showing you have passed the HTML quiz.

    Email me with your score on the HTML quiz.  I will record your grade in the gradebook.

Add a comment on this Blog as follows:  Which lesson was the easiest for you?  Which lesson was the hardest for you to understand.  What would you like to see in future editions of our CLASS BLOG?  You can receive up to 6 BONUS POINTS for your comments!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Welcome to Web Design 2!

About the Course
Web Design 2 is an interactive class requiring you to continue your research and learning about various aspects of planning, designing, creating, and posting a web page. You will receive 1/2 Carnegie unit for successful completion of the class. The course contents support the MS Framework for Business and Technology and includes the following competencies which you must master:
  • Identify web page design considerations.
  • Identify techniques for improving the design and functionality of a site.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of advanced web page authoring software features.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of advanced image editing software.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of additional media development programs.
  • Identify legal and ethical aspects associated with using technology for research and in preparation of publications.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of maintaining a site.
  • Create and publish a web site.
In your job as intern, you will complete work with MS Word, Notepad, Kompozer and GIMP Imaging software (both KompoZer and GIMP are free web-based software). We will discuss these tools in more detail later. For now, just browse the course pages to get familiar with the assignment locations; explore the tabs on the content page, such as Discussions, Dropbox, Quizzes, Grades, etc. You will use these tabs to "turn in" your work and see the grades that are posted.  Update your profile and add a picture also; the first day of class is a GREAT time to do this! 

Assignments will be posted on the "News" page every Tuesday and are to be completed by Monday of the following week. Other notes may also be posted there for your review. Check the "News" frequently! That is your source for important information. Also, check your grades on the "Grades Tab" every week--work not completed results in a "0" on the grade tab. Work may be turned in late, but your grades may reflect a lower score.

I also send frequent pages and emails to you.  Make it a daily habit to check the "NEWS", the "Pages", and your "EMAILS".  Respond as required to each item.  Failure to do this will reflect in your grade.

In Module 1 you will plan your new 5-page web site by researching a topic from a list provided.  You will begin to develop your web site by researching your topic and writing your initial draft.  You will also learn to plan your web site so that it is attractive and easy to navigate.  You will develop a storyboard to use during this phase.  Other modules will build on this initial work.  Take pride in it and do a complete job.  Your grade in the class depends on YOUR work!

SPECIAL NOTE:  You are required to have a flash (aka thumb) drive or external hard drive to use as backup for your files. "My computer crashed" is not a valid excuse for not turning in work. Back-up files every time you complete an assignment!  Then if you move to another computer or want to work from home, you will have your files.  Also, I understand the computers will be "cleaned" by the Technical Department during this semester.  This process will wipe out all your files unless you have them on a flash drive.

BLOG NOTES:  Other assignments will be posted here on our class Blog. It is your responsibility to check the blog frequently and follow the assignment directions. These assignments will be part of your class grade. Bookmark (or add as a favorite) this BLOG so you can get back to it easily.

Your first assignment from this blog is to join this BLOG as a follower.  You can use your gmail address as your identification.  Then add a comment (go to bottom of this BLOG page) that includes your first name and what you expect to learn in this class. (If you have any difficulty doing this, please email me right away!)

Other Notes
We have a special Discussion Board on our Class Page--check out Mrs. McKee's Chalk Board.  Here you will find our weekly assignments, all our class email in one location, and a place to ask other students for help. Bonus points will be awarded on some of your posts. Just check it every time you log in so you don't miss anything.

We also have a class "Chat" button on your course page.   I will schedule chats from  time-to-time to allow you to make comments and ask questions in an interactive mode with me and your other classmates.  Sometimes these chats will be given Bonus points, depending upon the quality of your participation.  

I Like to Talk on the Phone! You can expect a phone call from me this week to confirm your enrollment in the class. I also like to talk with your parents from time-to-time just to give them a progress report. Your site coordinator also receives frequent calls from me. As for any problems that you encounter such as log-in, course questions, software issues, etc., you may contact me by phone or text at 601-810-4923 or email ( My office hours are posted on the "News" page. Don't hesitate to ask for help; your success is my success!